G489 Management of Spontaneous Volunteers in Disasters Train the Trainer This is an 8 hour course

Course Description: The purpose of this course is to introduce the skills and planning considerations that are required to manage large numbers of people who are not affiliated with an experienced relief organization, but who want to help in disasters. These “spontaneous volunteers” are generally well motivated and sincerely want to help, but if their efforts and resources are not coordinated effectively, their presence may be counterproductive and an added strain on the disaster area.

One of the most crucial activities for an emergency manager during a disaster is to ensure that disaster volunteers are used effectively in their impartial communities. The management of spontaneous volunteers is distinctly separate from the coordination of the traditional voluntary relief organizations and from the management of affiliated volunteers.

This course will introduce some keys to success in managing large numbers of spontaneous volunteers. Its underlying assumption is that much of the volunteer help is indeed needed and that, with basic coordination skills, the volunteer resources can often be put to effective use, making a positive difference in the affected community.
The course will discuss the benefits spontaneous volunteers can bring to relief efforts and the challenges they may bring if not coordinated effectively. In addition, the course will examine planning considerations regarding spontaneous volunteers. Special emphasis is also placed on how to make full use of a Volunteer Reception Center—the backbone of any well-organized spontaneous volunteer management program.

Target Audience and Recommended Class Size
This course has been developed for emergency managers and voluntary organizations responsible for the management of spontaneous volunteers. Ideal class size is 40–45 participants—small enough to engage everyone in class discussion and large enough for a lively VRC simulation.

Course Prerequisites
All course participants should be familiar with their own State and local government Emergency Operations Plan annex, if one exists, on the use of spontaneous volunteers and volunteers affiliated with relief organizations.
Completion of G288, Local Volunteer and Donations Management, prior to taking this course is recommended.
In addition, the individuals should have a working knowledge of the Incident Command and National Incident Management Systems (IS-100, 200, 700, 800—available free online at <http: is="" training.fema.gov="">).

As course material is now provided through electronic means it is highly recommended students bring a computer, capable of reading a USB flash drive, to the course. Please email the Course Contact for different media. Student manuals and other course material may be downloaded at any time from the PEMA web page (www.pema.gov).

May 30, 2025 | 8:00 - 16:00

4300 Broadway
Allentown, PA 18104
United States
