AWR-421 Demystifying Cyber Attacks


Through discussion, pre-recorded attacks, and live example attacks, Demystifying Cyber Attacks will explain and demonstrate common cyber attacks for non-technical participants. Participants will also learn how common cyber attacks can be disrupted at various points of the cyber kill chain using mitigation and response strategies.

As part of a Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency (DHS/FEMA) cooperative agreement training program, this course is available at no direct cost to state, county, and local government agencies.

Pump Operations II (PUOA)


Hours: 16.0 (Lecture: 8.0hrs / Lab: 8.0hrs)

Prerequisites: Age 18 and up, Pump Operations I

Description: This course is designed to instruct the student in advanced techniques of operating fire pumps. Topics covered include friction loss, relay pumping, master streams, and elevated master streams.

Pump Operations I (PUOP)


Hours: 16.0 (Lecture: 10.0hrs / Lab: 6.0hrs) Prerequisites: Age 18 and up

Description: This course provides the fire fighter with an introduction to basic pump construction and theory as well as operating techniques. Emphasis is placed on getting water to the pump, getting water from the pump for hose streams, and prevention of common mistakes in pump operations.

Advanced Fire Police (AFPO)


This course provides instructional review of the laws pertaining to fire police powers and the expected duties of a fire police officer to include health and safety and legal aspects of performance. Fire Police Officers will also be taught how to deal with people, how to manage incident response and leadership qualities. Tabletop scenarios will be presented to reinforce the lessons introduced in regards to incident management and response.

Prerequisites: Age 18 and up, Basic Fire Police (BFPO) 

Basic Fire Police (BFPO)


This course provides instruction on the proper method to be appointed, the laws pertaining to fire police, fire police powers, and the expected duties of a new fire police officer.

Prerequisites: Age 18 and up, ICS-100: Introduction to the Incident Command System

Required Textbook(s): Somerset Cambria Fire Police Association, Basic Fire Police (this will be provided)

Required Equipment: Job Related PPE

MGT-303 Cybersecurity Vulnerability Assessment


**Course Description ** The Cybersecurity Vulnerability Assessment course is designed to address specific technical and professional skills needed to assess, document, remediate, and report on cybersecurity vulnerability assessments within organizations through a series of lectures and hands-on activities. Activities include examining, analyzing, and prioritizing assets, risks, and vulnerabilities to develop a vulnerability assessment report that could be delivered to organizational leadership.

MGT-465 Recovering from Cybersecurity Incidents


This course is designed to provide guidance for the implementation of an effective cybersecurity incident recovery program from a pre-incident and post-incident perspective. The training focuses on connecting IT with emergency management and is intended for government, critical infrastructure, and private sector personnel who have the responsibility for recovering after a cyber incident. Short term tactical and long-term strategic activities are discussed culminating in the development of an action plan.

What is the process to register for a class hosted by EMI / FEMA?

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This job aid will guide prescreened students through the FEMA Emergency Management Institute (EMI) “L” (indirect/local) course application process. After screening, students are directed to the NETC Online Admissions Application system. They then enter the courses coupon code and complete the student application process.

General Information
The National Fire Academy and the Emergency Management Institute have transitioned to an online admissions system. The online admissions application can be found here:
NETC Online Admissions Application

If a student has any issues or questions regarding the online admissions system or the process, please contact:
NETC Admissions Department

If a student has any issues with the FEMA Student Identification System (SID) system, please contact:
FEMA SID Help Desk
Hours of Operation: 7:30 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. CST
Website: FEMA Student Identification (SID) System (